It’s Fuck It Friday!

Oh just drop whatever the fuck you are thinking about or are doing and say fuck it. Life is too short to worry about everything you have not had time to do or are scrambling to get done. Give yourself a fucking break!

I started my Fuck It Friday off right, I actually got up at five am, no reason, did not need to be up, looked at the clock, fuck it. I went back to bed and I slept in until now which is not super sleeping in but it is for me! With the days I have had lately every tiny minuscule bit counts to keep my ass going.

I have avoided the inevitable cleaning and will avoid it today, I am headed out to harvest local driftwood for crafting, when I am stressed I craft, it is very relaxing for me, so my house is not fucking perfect, fuck it, I need sanity.

I should probably go grocery shopping today, my house is not empty but running low on the snacks my children fucking devour daily, however I am not keen on gearing up with masks n shit to go do that, fuck it, I will send the husband tonight. Poor bastard, almost always ends up being the one to suffer it, luckily he doesnt argue much about it lol.

Jhmmmm what else can I say fuck it to today? It is still early and I have not finished even one cup of coffee yet, I have to get kids up, head to the support workers house and go harvest wood, fuck it I am going to be late for that shit, not extremely just enough to have a second cup of coffee and get gas, sorry hunny it is my fuck it Friday!

My fuck it list begins…..up early=fuck it, sleep in, non sparkling house=fuck it, get outside, groceries needed=fuck it, they aren’t starving to death with what’s here, running late=fuck it, make it later, stressed=fuck it, do something that makes you happy, today’s list is going to continue to be fun!

What’s on your fuck it list? Do you have one? If you do not I suggest you get on that shit, it is nice to say fuck it and just relax, you can’t always do everything you know. Drop your fuck it list here, thats what this shit is for.

Have a Fabulous Fuck it Friday all!

Published by JN Supermom


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